Cooking Classes & Food Walks

What is Indian cuisine? That’s a tough question to answer.

India is a diverse country where many religions and communities co-exist. The food choices in India are primarily driven by the diversity in soil type, climate, culture, ethnic groups, and occupations. This results in the substantial variation in cuisine every few hundred kilometres along with the use of locally available spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits.

Having said that Indians are exceptionally passionate about their food and always smiling welcome guests to their homes to share a meal.

Food Walks

If you are a foodie tourist or want to taste authentic Indian cuisine then join one of our food tours with our Passport Perfect Ambassadors. This gastronomical extravaganza is planned around the food joints frequented by locals and not necessarily on the tourist maps. Most of these places have been run by families and the recipes have been handed down generations. They have passed our stringent quality tests before being a part of our food circuit.

Guided Village Walks
…walk through village streets…
Guided Village Walks
…stop by for a chat with the locals….
Guided Village Walks in India
… be a part of their lives…
Guided Village Walks in India
… sit by the road side while life goes by…

Cooking Classes

It’s great to take home a recipe from your travels, adapt it to your tastes and make it a part of your cuisine. What more, learning from home chefs who cook for their family and friends is even better. While you cook together with your host, learn more about food, culture, tradition, spices, flavours. Savour the labour of your hard work over the meal, top it up with some more chit-chat and make some friends. Life could not be better.

Guided Village Walks in India
Guided Village Walks in India
Guided Village Walks in India
Guided Village Walks in India

After all you have a lot to gain out of these walks- smiling faces, a taste of the local cuisine, stunning sights, a bit of exercise and memories of a lifetime to take home with you!